Simple Leads to Sales Goals Calculator

Business Essentials

Breakeven Analysis

Gross Margin

Cost Markup

Set Price Using Markup

Return on Investment (ROI)

Sales and Marketing

Convert Leads to Sales

SaaS Metrics

Customer Acquistion Cost (CAC)

Customer Churn

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

SaaS Company Viability

How Many Leads Do You Need to Meet Your Sales Goals?

Planning for growth includes building and maintaining an active sales pipeline. This simple calculator will help you project the number of leads your company needs to sustain your current revenue.

This approach starts with your annual revenue dollars and works in reverse. Think of it as Revenue ---> Customers ---> Prospects ---> Leads

Leads is the number you need to continuously maintain to achieve growth.

Closing Rate is the percent of prospects you convert to a sale.

Conversion Rate is the percent of leads that become propsects.

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